Now you can do more with less

Looking for inspiration?

Build your own bespoke Customer / Patient / Entity focused solution

Standardise and automate administrative tasks or eliminate them all together!

Create many interlinking solutions and workflows, split out by User Role and custom rules

Conditionally Share data between internal and external organisations in real time

Examples of Agileware in action

Browse Solutions

Marketplace Coming Soon

Build intelligent Screens and upload them as Templates to share with others

Download a Template and map it to your existing Fields and Screens to avoid duplication and fit in with your organisation

Get a head start by downloading a Template and just make the tweaks you need

There's no point reinventing the wheel either; spread learning and best practice between industries and organisations

And what's more... Even if you do all of the above, you still have the option to share the collected data with other organisations, in real time and without coding. It's simple, secure and flexible.

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